Safety Tips
On meeting someone that you met online.
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If you're planning on meeting someone that you met online, do the following things:

(1) Make sure you carry your cell phone with you just in case of emergencies.

(2) Meet that person at public place that has security, and a lot of people there, like a restaurant, coffee shop, bar, or a mall or shopping center. Avoid meeting that person in remote or abandoned areas. Also when you are round that person that met online, always be more aware of your surroundings.

(3) If the person that you met online seems to be totally different the picture on that person's online profile webpage, be more cautious, and use your own discretion whether to continue to meet that person or not.

(4) If you are an adult, under any circumstances, do not get involved with a minor or someone under 18 years old, or else, you may have trouble with very protective parents of that minor, or you may end up getting busted by the police, and then you would have legal troubles. If that person seems to be under 18 years old, ask that person show his or her I.D. to a third party to verify his or her age like the police, security guard, hotel staff, restaurant staff, bar staff, taxicab driver, or a limousine driver.

(5) Do not buy any alcoholic drinks to anyone under 21 years old in the state of Texas, or to a person that is under the minimum drinking age according to local laws. Some minimum drinking age laws may vary from city to city, or state to state, or country to country, and it's your responsibility to find out about those laws.

(6) If that person is not being too open about themselves, don't waste with that person, just leave that person behind.

(7) If that person seem to be hostile, hot headed, and erratic or encentric behavior for senseless reasons to the point where that person can not be reasoned with, do not waste anymore of your time with that person, just leave that person behind.

(8) If you and that person leave the public place, do not go on that person grounds, brings that person on your grounds to point where both you and that person would feel safe. Don't bring that person to your home, or else your could set yourself up to get your home buglarized later on. Do not go to that person's home, or else you could be framed for a crime that you did not commit, or you could get robbed there.

(9) If that person makes too many excuses, or stall tactics on you, don't waste anymore of your time with that person, just leave that person behind.

(10) If the person that you met online is not alone, do not go with them under any circumstances on their grounds, nor your grounds, because a robbery ambush may be waiting for you there.

(11) Always travel together by a taxicab or a limousine to go were you want to go that away the trust with each other would gain more while traveling in the Taxicab or Limousine. 

(12) Avoid going to remote or abandon areas. If that person that you met online hired the taxicab or limousine, and the area of destination seem suspicious, do not get out of the taxicab or limousine. Tell the cabdriver or limodriver to drop you off to the nearest public place that has a lot of people, and then call a taxicab for yourself.

(13) If you and that person that you met online would go to a private place, go to a hotel that has security, front door staff, and surveillance cameras, or be in a stretch limousine with the privacy partition rolled up.

(14) If you and that person that you met online decide to engage in sex act, make sure a condom is worn on the male. Before you and the person that you met online decide to engage in unprotected sex act, have both of you ride together in a taxicab or a limousine to a doctor, or a clinic, or a medical testing lab to have a STD test (Sexually Transmitted Disease test) done on both of you so that away that both of you would know what each other have before deciding whether or not to engage in unprotected sex acts with each other, but it may cost money, and it may take longer to get the test results, but it's worth the cost and waiting time for to be safe and not sorry.

(15) If that person that you met online leaves your hotel room, walk that person out of the hotel until that person aboard his or her taxi or limousine, that away, it would make it easier to protect yourself from any false accusations of crime committed against that person.

Remember, if you meet anyone that you met on the internet, be very careful when making any arrangement to meet that person, and make sure that you have security procedures set in place to the point where you and that person would feel safe before meeting that person. So be careful when meeting someone in person that you met online, and be safe and not sorry.

Written By
Craig M

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